Myopia Management Center
Myopia Management Center
Established within SEVGİGÖZ, the Myopia Management Center takes a forefront role in combating childhood myopia, emphasizing the importance of this issue. With myopia rapidly increasing, especially during childhood, taking early measures and implementing proper treatment methods are critically important. The Myopia Management Center has been established to respond to this critical need, assuming leadership in the prevention and treatment of childhood myopia with its expert staff and innovative approach.

Myopia has become an increasingly significant problem worldwide. Particularly, increased use of digital screens and decreased outdoor activities play a crucial role in the spread of myopia. Research indicates that more children are developing myopia at earlier ages nowadays. Therefore, the prevention and management of myopia have become an urgent priority for public health.

The Myopia Management Center helps raise awareness among parents about the effects of myopia, assisting them in recognizing the symptoms of myopia in children earlier and taking appropriate measures. Additionally, the advanced technology-based methods applied in our center offer an effective solution to halt the progression of childhood myopia and preserve eye health. Thus, children can grow up with healthy eyes, minimizing the risks of vision problems later in life.
The Myopia Management Center is committed to preserving children's eye health and enhancing the visual quality of future generations. Creating awareness about myopia, developing early diagnosis and treatment methods, and emphasizing the importance of eye health throughout society are among the fundamental goals of our center.


What Should Be Known About Childhood Myopia

  • Children with one or both parents having myopia are 3 to 6 times more likely to develop it.
  • Children should be closely monitored before starting school and during early school years.
  • Ample daylight exposure may prevent the onset of myopia.
  • Measures to slow the progression of myopia are more successful when detected at an early age.

Myopia is a Growing Global Threat

Special Methods Used in Our Myopia Management Center

What Can Parents Do to Prevent and Slow Down Myopia in Children?

  • At least 15 hours per week should be spent in daylight,
  • Books and notebooks should not be approached closer than 30cm,
  • Cell phone and tablet usage should be minimized,
  • Parents should consult Child Myopi Management Centers.

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