
Tonometry (Measurement of Eye Pressure)
Tonometry (Measurement of Eye Pressure)
Tonometry is an imaging technique used to measure intraocular pressure, also known as intraocular or eye pressure. Intraocular pressure, referred to as eye pressure, is a measure of the fluid pressure inside the eye. This pressure is important for the health of the optic nerve and other eye structures and is a parameter that should be regularly monitored by the expert physicians at SEVGİGÖZ.

Tonometry employs different methods to measure eye pressure. The most commonly used methods include pneumotonometry (air-puff tonometry) and applanation tonometry (contact tonometry). Each of these methods measures intraocular pressure in different ways, but their fundamental purpose is the same: to determine eye pressure.

Measuring intraocular pressure is important for eye health professionals because elevated intraocular pressure (Glaucoma (Eye Tension)) can lead to optic nerve damage and permanent vision loss. Tonometry aids in the early diagnosis and effective management of glaucoma. Additionally, tonometry is used to monitor intraocular pressure and assess the response to treatment.

Tonometry is also crucial in the pre-operative and post-operative monitoring of patients undergoing eye surgery. Pre-operative measurement of eye pressure, especially before procedures such as Cataract surgery, helps evaluate surgical risks. Post-operative tonometry assists in the early detection of surgical complications, enabling prompt intervention.

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