Frequently Asked Questions

What is strabismus (crossed eyes)?
Strabismus, the inability of both eyes to focus on the same point, resulting in uncoordinated eye movements. You can find detailed information about this on our Strabismus page.
What can cause strabismus?
Strabismus can occur due to problematic births, high refractive errors, certain diseases, eye disorders or injuries, brain and eye tumors, among many other reasons.
What should be done if eye misalignment is observed in babies?
Consult a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment for strabismus. Eye misalignment in babies can be due to vision disorders as well as other reasons such as intraocular tumors, and delaying treatment can lead to undesirable consequences.
Does strabismus surgery correct amblyopia (lazy eye)?
The purpose of strabismus surgery is only to correct the eye misalignment. Separate treatment methods are used for Amblyopia.
Can strabismus be completely corrected with surgery?
It can be permanently corrected in patients with no visual function or visual acuity impairments in both eyes.
What can be done if there is amblyopia (lazy eye) in the misaligned eye?
In such cases, the well-seeing eye is usually covered to encourage the misaligned eye to learn its visual function. The success of this treatment method depends on the degree of Amblyopia in the misaligned eye.

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