Frequently Asked Questions

Oculoplastic Surgery
What is Oculoplastic Surgery?
Oculoplastic surgery is the surgical correction or reshaping of the eyelid. For detailed information about the procedure, you can visit our Eyelid Surgeries and Aesthetics (Oculoplastic Surgery) page.
What are the purposes of oculoplastic surgery?
Oculoplastic surgery can be performed for aesthetic purposes as well as to correct eyelid irregularities or improve the visual field.
Who may be suitable candidates for eyelid surgeries?
Eyelid surgeries may be suitable for individuals with signs of aging, eyelid irregularities, or significant eyelid drooping that obstructs the visual field.
Is oculoplastic surgery performed under local anesthesia?
Yes, oculoplastic surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases, general anesthesia may be preferred.
When can results be seen after oculoplastic surgery?
Results of oculoplastic surgery are typically noticed within a few weeks after the procedure and become more pronounced over time with the healing process.
What problems can be corrected with oculoplastic surgery?
Oculoplastic surgery can correct issues such as eyelid drooping, wrinkles, puffiness, under-eye circles, and eyelid irregularities.
What are the psychological effects of oculoplastic surgeries?
Positive psychological effects such as increased self-confidence and satisfaction with one's appearance can be observed after oculoplastic surgeries.

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